cbd for pets

dog flea scratch

Flea and Tick Season: How to Prepare Your Dog

Time to Take Flea and Tick Season Seriously Flea bites can lead to excessive itching and scratching, and dogs with hypersensitivity to flea saliva may suffer from flea allergy dermatitis. The flea injects its saliva into the pet’s body while biting, causing histamine secretion and triggering an allergic reaction that can result in inflamed skin, …

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Happy National Kids & Pets Day

Today we recognize the special bond between children and pets Every year since 2005, everyone has been able to participate and have a happy national kids & pets day. What a great opportunity to spotlight the special relationship between children and pets! It’s also the perfect time to adopt your new furry friend from a …

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How To Prepare For Flea And Tick Season

5 Tips to Prepare for Flea and Tick Season Spring has sprung! Most people in the US and their pets are happily embracing the change of season after being stuck indoors throughout winter. With spring in full bloom there are two significant pet care challenges: flea and tick season. In this blog we’ll talk how …

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CBD Helps Reduce Stress in Canines New Study Shows

New Study Shows CBD is Successful at Reducing Stress in Dogs CBD helps reduce stress in canines new study shows. The Waltham Petcare Science Institute has demonstrated that CBD is a viable means of reducing stress in canines. The study found that a single dose of cannabidiol (CBD) had a positive impact on stress levels …

CBD Helps Reduce Stress in Canines New Study Shows Read More »

Cats & Cucumbers: A Scary Relationship

Cats & Cucumbers: A Scary Relationship. As a cat owner, you’ll experience countless adorable moments, but also a few puzzling ones. One of these is cats’ fear of cucumbers, which we’ll explore in this article. Cats are independent creatures who are hypervigilant and have a flight-or-fight response, which means they’re always on guard for potential …

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Dog Celebrating 4/20

4/20 for Pets: How to Properly Celebrate

Celebrate 4/20 for Pets with CBD Products and Not THC!  4/20 for Pets: How to Properly Celebrate. April 20th, also known as 4/20, is a highly anticipated day among marijuana enthusiasts worldwide. While this day is traditionally associated with the consumption of THC-rich marijuana, it’s worth noting that there is another form of cannabis that …

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Are Dogs Good for Mental Health?

There are numerous ways in which dogs demonstrate their unconditional love towards their owners. But the question remains: Does having a dog at home benefit your mental health as much as it does your emotional well-being? For centuries, dogs and humans have formed strong relationships, and this bond offers many advantages. For instance, spending time …

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Cat on Lap

How Long Do Cats Live? Average Life Expectancies

It may take time to understand your cat since they exhibit a complex set of behaviors that can even leave experienced cat owners perplexed. One question pet owners have is how long do cats live and what are their average life expectancies? Average Lifespan We’ve all heard the saying cats have nine lives, but the …

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