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How To Prepare For Flea And Tick Season

5 Tips to Prepare for Flea and Tick Season

Spring has sprung! Most people in the US and their pets are happily embracing the change of season after being stuck indoors throughout winter. With spring in full bloom there are two significant pet care challenges: flea and tick season. In this blog we’ll talk how to prepare for flea and tick season. Here are 5 tips to prepare your cat or dog for flea and ticks:

Schedule Preventive Care

Flea and tick preventatives usually required to be given or applied to your pet every one to three months, varying according to the instructions. Carefully examine the instructions of your chosen preventive and schedule your pet’s next application on the calendar to guarantee timely and consistent protection.

Get a Flea and Tick Preventative that is Safe and Effective

Flea and tick preventatives are available in various forms such as oral tablets, topical ointments, and collars. These preventatives are formulated to suit specific species and sizes of pets and must not be interchanged as they can be harmful to the wrong species. If you have both dogs and cats or small children at home, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian for a recommendation that is safe and effective for all members of your household.

Avoid Places Where Fleas and Ticks Hide

Rather than taking your dog on walks through brushy trails or densely wooded areas, consider going to a lake, beach, or sticking to the sidewalks where they will have less of a chance of getting fleas or ticks. In case you and your dog do decide to take a dip in a lake or ocean, ensure to rinse off all water and sand from their coat to prevent skin irritation.

Keep Your Yard Clean

Fleas and ticks love to live in brush, wood piles, bird feeders/baths, and tall grass. It’s important to keep your yard and other areas your pet frequents, such as an outdoor pet house, free of debris. Also, eliminate any standing water as it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes for your pet and your health.

Spraying your yard for these parasites is an option to help remove a chance of an infestation. Use a yard spray that is designed to kill fleas and ticks in the outdoor areas of your home. Its important to ask a vet or do research for the best pet friendly sprays.

Check Your Pet!!!

When you’ve returned from playing in the grass or hiking in the woods, it is crucial to examine your pet thoroughly for fleas and ticks. Remember to check their ears, nose, tails, and the spaces between their toes. This will not only help your cat or dog stay healthy but keep your home flea and tick free!

Final Takeaway

It’s nearly impossible to completely prevent your pets from coming across fleas and ticks. Hence, the most effective protection against them is a monthly preventive flea and tick treatment that is administered regularly.

This ensures that you and your furry companion can enjoy all the fantastic outdoor activities without any worries.

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