cbd for cats

Cats & Cucumbers: A Scary Relationship

Cats & Cucumbers: A Scary Relationship. As a cat owner, you’ll experience countless adorable moments, but also a few puzzling ones. One of these is cats’ fear of cucumbers, which we’ll explore in this article. Cats are independent creatures who are hypervigilant and have a flight-or-fight response, which means they’re always on guard for potential …

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Cat Brushing

Everything You Need to Know About Cat Grooming

Grooming Your Cat This article will discuss everything you need to know about cat grooming. Most cats are skilled at self-cleaning and grooming. Those with long hair require assistance to prevent matting and fur balls. It is crucial to regularly groom long or medium haired cats to maintain their health, wellbeing, and appearance. Neglecting their …

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Dog Celebrating 4/20

4/20 for Pets: How to Properly Celebrate

Celebrate 4/20 for Pets with CBD Products and Not THC!  4/20 for Pets: How to Properly Celebrate. April 20th, also known as 4/20, is a highly anticipated day among marijuana enthusiasts worldwide. While this day is traditionally associated with the consumption of THC-rich marijuana, it’s worth noting that there is another form of cannabis that …

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Cat on Lap

How Long Do Cats Live? Average Life Expectancies

It may take time to understand your cat since they exhibit a complex set of behaviors that can even leave experienced cat owners perplexed. One question pet owners have is how long do cats live and what are their average life expectancies? Average Lifespan We’ve all heard the saying cats have nine lives, but the …

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How Do I know if My Cat is In Pain?

6 Signs Your Cat is in Pain Cats’ renowned independent nature can make it challenging to discern when they’re experiencing discomfort. Nonetheless, as a responsible cat owner, it’s crucial to recognize the indications of pain in cats to guarantee their ease and health. In this article, we’ll examine some critical signs that your cat might …

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Should You Spay or Neuter Your Dog?

Why Spay or Neuter? Traditionally, veterinarians have advised that dogs be spayed or neutered early, preferably by six months of age, as a way of controlling the population of stray pets and reducing the incidence of reproductive diseases. This approach was also thought to minimize the anesthetic risks associated with surgery in young puppies. However, …

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Is CBD Safe for Pets? What You Should Know

How does pet CBD differ from human CBD? So, is CBD Safe for Pets? We’ll discuss what you should know. To be transparent, there is essentially no difference between human CBD and pet CBD products. However, it’s important to note that giving your furry friends YOUR CBD supplements is not advisable as it could be …

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