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6 Cat Breeds that Love Water

If you’ve ever owned a cat, you’re probably aware that water is not their favorite thing. In fact, splashing your feline friend with water is akin to throwing holy water on a vampire. However, there’s always that one curious kitty who finds joy in anything related to H2O. Learn more about 6 cat breeds that love water.

Why Do Cats Hate Water?

Some experts believe that it could be because cats are not naturally adapted to water-based environments, as their wild ancestors primarily lived in dry regions. Another theory suggests that the oils in a cat’s fur coat do not repel water as effectively as other animals, making their fur heavy and waterlogged, which can be uncomfortable for them.

Additionally, cats are generally self-groomers, and they prefer to keep themselves clean by licking their fur. When wet, their fur becomes matted and difficult to clean, which can cause discomfort. This may be another reason why cats try to avoid water.

The 5 Cat Breeds that Love Water

Turkish Van

Originating from Turkey’s Lake Van region, the Turkish Van breed is known as “the swimming cat” due to their fondness for water. Their semi-long fur has a cashmere-like texture that is naturally water-resistant, allowing them to emerge relatively dry from a swim.

With their large paws and powerful hind legs, Turkish Vans are skilled climbers and impressive jumpers. They are intelligent and active creatures, and while they may not often encounter large bodies of water in modern times, don’t be surprised if your Turkish Van enjoys playing in their water bowl, taking a dip in the pool, or even joining you in the bathtub. Just make sure to keep the lid down on the toilet, or you may find your kitty using it as their own personal fishing spot.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is another feline breed known for its swimming ability. These stunning cats are believed to have originated from the cold, mountainous regions of Turkey where long-haired Angora rabbits and goats are also common.

In addition to their long, luxurious coat, Turkish Angoras are known for their striking heterochromatic eyes, which means each eye is a different color. They are an active breed that enjoys playing and chasing after toys, and can even be trained to walk on a leash. If you’re up for it, your Turkish Angora may even join you for a swim in the pool or bathtub.

Maine Coon

As the biggest domestic cat breed, the Maine Coon boasts long or medium hair that’s naturally water-resistant, allowing them to swim and withstand cold temperatures. These intelligent cats have a fascination with water, which may be attributed to their history of working as ship pest controllers.

Maine Coons are notorious for learning how to turn on faucets, as well as dipping toys in their water bowls and even scooping water from toilet bowls. Some owners of these mischievous cats have resorted to keeping their water dishes inside enclosures to contain the resulting splashes.


The Bengal cat is an exotic-looking feline that is known for its high activity level, intelligence, and ability to learn tricks. Many Bengal owners have noticed their pets’ love for pools, fountains, or ponds, and some even accompany their owners into the shower or bath. Be prepared to have a companion in the bathroom!

Apart from their playful personality, the Bengal cat is recognized for its short, dense, and incredibly soft coat that is covered in rosette spots. Purebred Bengals are officially available in brown, silver, and snow colors, while “unofficial” colors such as charcoal, blue, and melanistic (black) are also popular.

American Bobtail

Dubbed as the “dogs of the cat world,” American Bobtails are known for their trainability, leash-walking ability, and love for water play.

These social felines require attention and can demand it when needed, but their active and intelligent nature makes them hard to miss. American Bobtails enjoy stalking their toys, playing fetch, and may even turn on the faucet themselves to indulge in a splash.


The Siberian cat’s affinity for water can be traced back to their thick, triple coat that provided protection for their ancestors during the harsh Russian winters. Interestingly, it’s believed that the mutation for long-haired cats began in Russia, and from there, cats made their way to Turkey to create the Angora cat and to Persia to create the Persian cat. Therefore, the Siberian cat breed may be one of the oldest cats in existence, and perhaps the oldest long-haired cat!

This breed is highly active and requires plenty of playtime. Siberian cats are exceptionally intelligent and may need more mental stimulation than other felines. They are known to play with water from faucets, jump into a shower with water droplets still present, and drop their toys in the sink while their owners are doing dishes.

If you enjoyed this blog, check out our 5 rare cat breeds you’ve probably never heard of.

Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica

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