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5 Ways to Convince Your Boss to Allow Dogs in the Office

If your job mandates office work, you’re likely familiar with the heartache of leaving your dog behind in the morning, making it one of the most challenging parts of your day. However, this doesn’t have to remain the status quo! One of the highly sought-after employee benefits that gained popularity in 2019 was the opportunity to bring your dog to work every day, transforming it into an unofficial “bring your dog to work day.”

Just imagine commuting alongside your furry companion and enjoying lunchtime strolls with your beloved coworkers, both human and canine. Research indicates that three out of five employees who desire a pet-friendly workplace are willing to take the lead in making it a reality. If you find yourself among these employees, keep reading for valuable insights!

Express Interest

To embark on the journey of working alongside your furry friend, the initial step is to communicate your interest in this particular benefit to your employer. Assemble like-minded colleagues who share the vision of a dog-friendly office and schedule a meeting with the key decision-makers within your company to present your proposal.

List the Benefits

Chances are high that your employer will have inquiries regarding the benefits of adopting a dog-friendly policy. However, by rallying the support of your colleagues and approaching the proposal meeting well-prepared, you can demonstrate to your employer that allowing dogs in the office will yield advantages for the entire company!

Benefits for Employers

Based on research conducted by Nestle Purina, it was revealed that 63% of employees expressed a heightened interest in job interviews with companies that embrace a pet-friendly policy. Organizations that permit employees to bring their dogs to work have observed notable benefits, including improved employee retention, enhanced teamwork and collaboration, and a significant boost in employee morale.

With the freedom from concerns about rushing home during lunch breaks or after work to attend to their dogs, employees are able to dedicate more time to project completion, often staying later. Remarkably, approximately 81% of HR decision-makers concur that having pets in the workplace leads to increased productivity within their respective companies.

Benefits for Employees

Employees who have furry colleagues enjoy taking breaks to engage with the office dogs, fostering a distinctive sense of community within the company. Incorporating brief breaks that involve physical activity, such as taking the dogs for a walk outside, encourages the circulation of blood necessary for the brain to sustain attention and concentration.

These short breaks have also demonstrated the ability to enhance creativity and recharge employees throughout the day. Notably, around 88% of employees believe that having pets in the workplace enhances morale. After a challenging meeting, finding solace in a few moments of tranquility and puppy cuddles can be remarkably helpful!

Provide a Guide

While your employer may acknowledge the benefits of implementing a pet-friendly policy, they might express concerns about the effort required to establish a program that prioritizes the safety of both dogs and employees. However, there are valuable resources available online that have successfully integrated dogs into their office environment.

Online guides offers helpful suggestions for establishing office rules, ensuring employee buy-in for the new benefit, and providing implementation checklists. To initiate the process of creating a policy that allows employee dogs at work, you can share different guides with your Human Resources Department to kickstart the initiative.

Emphasize Safety

A major concern when transitioning to a dog-friendly office is ensuring the safety of employees and office dogs. All guide emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety by recommending that companies establish stringent rules regarding the health of dogs.

This includes only allowing dogs who have successfully completed specific obedience training and providing clear guidelines for office conduct. By implementing these measures, companies can create a safe and secure environment for everyone involved.

Be Persistent & Helpful

By highlighting the advantages of this benefit, such as attracting exceptional talent, fostering employee loyalty, and cultivating an outstanding company culture, you can effectively persuade your employer to embrace the idea of allowing dogs in the workplace.

Additionally, express your readiness to contribute towards establishing and overseeing the program. To further encourage their support, propose implementing a trial period lasting several months, enabling your employer to witness firsthand how effortless it can be to create a dog-friendly office environment!

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